General terms and conditions of the site

  • The guarantee is only valid if the original invoice is present.
  • We guarantee the return or exchange of the product within 3 days from the date of receipt of the product, provided that it is in its original sold condition without removing or opening the packaging.
  • If the product is returned or exchanged after receiving it, deducting the delivery value.
  • The warranty does not include dirt, breaks in the product, or any damage resulting from misuse.
  • Items with special sizes, specifications, bespoke or beds are not returned or exchanged.
  • The company guarantees delivery of products only once within the cities in which they are located. Otherwise, the customer bears any additional costs.
  • In the case of a return, payment is not made in cash to the customer, but is transferred to the customer’s personal account, and this procedure takes from 7 to 14 working days.
  • The customer must sign the receipt upon receipt of the products.
  • The company is not responsible for detaining the goods for more than 45 days from the date of purchase.
  • We would like to note that the customer has a grace period for free storage of up to 10 days from the specified delivery date. During this period, the customer can enjoy free storage of his order without charging any fees. Note that if the receipt date is confirmed and this is not possible, a 10% storage fee will be charged for each week after the end of the specified free period. If the customer wishes to change the pickup or delivery time, please contact the delivery official or customer service and request a postponement a maximum of 48 hours before receiving the order. .
  • Medical pillows, insulators and mattresses cannot be exchanged or returned after purchase because they are personal products.
  • The company is responsible for ensuring the products, delivering them, and maintaining them within the cities in which they are located. Otherwise, the customer will bear any additional costs.
  • The company is not responsible for the safety of the products if they are not connected to the company’s vehicles.
  • Supported cities are the cities in which the company has branches.
  • In the event of any ambiguity or disagreement regarding the return and exchange policy or warranty, refer to the laws of the Ministry of Commerce and Investment.
  • In the event of a failure to deliver or fail to receive the order, it will be canceled within a maximum period of 10 days from the date of shipment.
  • The discount code for the application “App5” discounts 5% of the invoice value, up to a maximum of 50 riyals.
  • The discount code “SW5” discounts 5% of the invoice value, up to a maximum of 50 riyals.
  • Please note that a fixed home visit fee of 100 SAR is charged for warranty services covered by the products.



Best Price Guarantee Terms and Conditions:

1- The warranty applies to the products mentioned only:
a. Black One mattress
b. Larin mattress
c. - Panda chair
d. - Lamar bed
2- Warranty for a full year.
3- Product availability at the time of claiming eligibility to use the warranty.
4- It applies to purchases from 9/15/2024 until 9/15/2025.
5- If the customer finds the product at a lower price on the site or one of the well-known sites at a lower price than the purchase price, 50% of the product price will be refunded.
6- The current selling price must be the retail price and includes shipping and delivery. .